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Tips for working from home

  • March 16, 2020
  • By Eseeri
Tips for working from home

Hello all! I want to start this blog post by recognizing that that world is currently going through a pandemic of COVID-19. I pray you all stay safe and healthy during this time. With all that being said, the key to hopefully reducing the spread of this virus includes the recommendation of social distancing. Meaning not to be too close to others in order to reduce spread and contamination.

For some, that includes working from home. From my experience, if you’ve never worked from home before it may be a bit difficult. Working from home requires focus to not get distracted and to do the work that needs to get done. When I first started working from home I literally had to find a quiet spot in my house to focus. Below are some tips to work from home like a pro!

Set your working hours. When working from home its important to only work during your normal working hours. Personally I work 9am – 5pm with a  lunch break. When working from home I hold these same hours in order to stick to the same routine. Doing this reduces the risk of overworking/underworking and helps maintain consistency.

Designate a work from home spot during your work hours and stay there. Find a spot in your home; it could be a special room, a specific seat at your dinner table or a specific room nook. Find it and claim it as your work area. Stay in this spot during your working hours and do not move! Doing this tricks your brain into recognizing that you are at work and should act as such. It’s not the time to be wandering around the house and getting distracted by other stuff.

Keep your work space tidy. I find that keeping my work space (desk) free of distractions helps me to focus on the work that needs to be done while working from home. Personally, I’m the type if I see a mess I need to clean it. With a tidy desk area, I’m not distracted.

Silence/Turn Off you phone and notifications. The only people you should be talking to (or getting notifications from) have to be in relation to your job. If not, meaning if it’s a friend messaging you – do not answer. Remember you are at work, act like it! Act as if your boss is there with you 🙂

Create a morning routine. Get out of your pyjamas! I had to get that off my chest first. From experience, this is major key to not feeling sleepy, and sluggish when working from home. Create a consistent morning routine that helps you get into the habit both mentally and physically. Doing this will give you the consistency needed to prepare for the mental and physical focus required to work from home.

Hydrate! Yes, even when working you should always stay hydrated. This will help you to maintain your focus and be alert.




By Eseeri, March 16, 2020
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